Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today I read an article called "Rejected absentee votes may decide it" in the Star Tribune. This article is about the U.S. Senate recount and how it is still incomplete, attorneys on both sides have gotten ready for the next question on whether to reexamine thousands of rejected absentee ballots. Norm Coleman has a very small lead over Al Franken, 180 votes as of Saturday night, the question is how and when absentee ballots should be counted. This is very interesting because just the slighlightest add of absentee ballots could make all the difference. Personally I don't care that much about this, because I cant vote. I just think its crazy how Minnesota is really divided one way or another and how much of a nail biter this is. I guess if I could vote I would vote for Norm Coleman because Franken is planning on rasing taxes alot and since Obama is planning on doing that too, to combine them both would be alot. But I mean either way I think we will still be in good hands. People make such a big deal about elections, especially this year, and until I can vote I plan on even trying to get invovled in the chaos.

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