Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh boy...whats america got to say about this one?

The article I read was called "Obama's picks: Longtime advisers, political foes to fill top positions in new administration." Its about how Barack Obama is planning on Monday to announce 6 people to fill administration posts, he is working at record speed to name the leadership team that will assist his job through a economy time during war and recession.
His selections include advisers and political foes, Democratic primary rival Hillary Rodham Clinton as secretary of state and President Bush's defense secretary, Robert Gates, staying in his current job. How do you think America is going to handle this? I for one think its a good deciscion because it really shows his character that he is having his rival assist him. I don't know if other poeple will agree with me though, I guess we will just have to see how this goes.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Brothers story

My little brother who is 10 had a paper due. I read his paper to help give him advice or tips for his paper. His story was about a make believe fishing trip. It is kind of dumb but I give him lots of credit, it was a well written 7 page story for a 5th grader. I personally hate fishing but both of my brothers are obsessed and its annoying. So when I read this it took all of my strength to not chuck it out the window of our house. It was about a trip to some werid lake where he caught lots of big fish like pike, walleye, muskey, and bass. Every fish he caught was a new record in size and he went down in history for catching the most fish and the biggest in one weekend. Overall I would never ever read a story like this, I only read it because it was my brothers.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today I read an article called "Rejected absentee votes may decide it" in the Star Tribune. This article is about the U.S. Senate recount and how it is still incomplete, attorneys on both sides have gotten ready for the next question on whether to reexamine thousands of rejected absentee ballots. Norm Coleman has a very small lead over Al Franken, 180 votes as of Saturday night, the question is how and when absentee ballots should be counted. This is very interesting because just the slighlightest add of absentee ballots could make all the difference. Personally I don't care that much about this, because I cant vote. I just think its crazy how Minnesota is really divided one way or another and how much of a nail biter this is. I guess if I could vote I would vote for Norm Coleman because Franken is planning on rasing taxes alot and since Obama is planning on doing that too, to combine them both would be alot. But I mean either way I think we will still be in good hands. People make such a big deal about elections, especially this year, and until I can vote I plan on even trying to get invovled in the chaos.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I read in the Star Tribune an article called "Minneapolis police seek tips on series of robberies." Its about how the Minneapolis police have been faced with many robberies and are seeking help. They are searching local homeless shelters to find a man responsible for 4 gun point robberies. I think that this is really scary because any time I hear stories like this i just get kind of freaked out. Its like why are there weird people like this who kill other people. I mean think of how hard it would be to be a police man/woman. Now in time the majority of cases have to deal with murders or robberies, what has happened to this world? I mean its almost common to hear about shootings in places like Minneapolis now. Hopefully people will start to figure it out and realize that killing and stealing and violence is not the way to live.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Twilight Craze

After being in Cloquet for this past weekend for a hockey tournament I realized that I had to join in the Twilight craze. Everyone on my hockey team was reading it so I started reading one of their copies of the first book while I was up there, and I'm hooked. Its about a girl named Isabella "Bella" Swan who moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona, to rainy Forks, Washington, tolive with her father, Charlie. She does this because her mother, Renée, can travel with her new husband. One the first day of school Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in class. Edward doesn't really like her. He even tries to change his schedule to avoid her. So far I'm not far into it at all but I think it is really good. I am excited to see what will happen next. I think that Edward and Bella will end up dating actually.


I read an article on Star called "Iraq's Cabinet overwhelmingly approves US security pact, parliament next hurdle." In this article it talked about how Iraq's Cabinet approved a pact with the United States on Sunday, ending issues with American forces. The army is to remain ther for three more years in the country until. For Iraqis, the agreement was kind of "ify" because the war will be over but our troops must be there until 2012. This is very good for us because this has been an issue for so long. I think it will work out well because you can't just pull the army out because that would be to hard but if we set a future date to it will be easier. This is also good because the money we will be spending there will stop. This is also good because its showing that our country is finally going somewhere with this war and putting it to a a gradual end. This could also be decision with aftermath because with there only being 3 years left it could get very crazy. Hopefully everyone there will still be able to be safe and in good hands along with the citizens here.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Space Traveling

The article I read is called "Minnesota astronaut heads for space this week." Its about Minnesota astronaut who is going up into space for her second time. The ship is called Endeavour and is scheduled to lift off Friday night. Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, the woman who is flying, is the first woman assigned as the lead spacewalker on a shuttle flight. She is 45 years old and orignally was in the Navy but decided to switch to space. This is very cool because it takes alot of knowlegde and bravery to go into space. Its interesting that this is her 2nd time going up, there are millions of people that have/ never will go up into space. The best part is that she is from Minnesota, I didn't know that there were astronauts from here.