There are 133 days left until the federaly mandated switch to digital tv. In the article I read in Star Tribune called "The Feb. 17 transition to digital television has raised concerns over antennas and other issues" by Randy A. Salas. It talks about how Minnesota has the second highest number of TV sets in the nation that are affected by the Feb. 17 transition. People are concerned with the problems that will and have started arriving. Such as many people who have gotten cable boxes, there not working properly. The government is doing everything they can to help make the transition as smooth as possibly, such as giving out 40 dollar coupons to help pay. I personally think that it is so awesome that they are offically making the change nationwide. It is must needed considering all the places like, Esse Driving School, that need this change. At first the switch will probably be rocky for most people but in the end everyone will hopefully agree that it was a great idea.
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