Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Women in Charge?

Based New York Times study, 82% of the total job losses have been shown in men, which has lead to a rise in the percentage of families being supported by women. Times have changed. The proportion of woman working has changed much but lately it has been men getting laid off more which is causing this to happen. I find this very interesting, you would not thing that this would be happening in a time like this. Most people would think the men are doing even more now that this is happening. Its amazing how much of a role women play now. Hillary Clinton was very close in being one of the final people to run for president. Women have high roles in government. Women own business's. Women can make a much better living now, they are becoming more independent and taking a stand. It will be weird to see how far women will come in even the next 10 years. Right now in life is very critical and there are so many problems that need to be solved, and if women can solve them then they will get even more credit.


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